
Purses and the people who love them.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Found this handbag at the wonderful Monkey See Monkey Do shop on South Congress here in Austin. Made from actually Monopoly board components. Fabulous, no? The shop, however, does not take Monopoly currency as a monetary exchange for the purse.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This long-strapped, over the shoulder bag was at the Blanton Museum gift shop. It's a 45 RPM affixed to a bag with images of albums and recording industry themes.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My sister and I were noodling around in a thrift shop by my apartment in Minneapolis when suddenly she called out to me and held this above her head. She well knows my thing for purses and my quirky predilections with same. I almost collapsed, breathless with awe. She read the price tag: one dollar.

As you can see, the handles are the top of the fish, and the interior is lined with a blue fabric and is really quite roomy. This is more of a "show" purse. I mean, really - where do you take this purse and what does one where it with? Though I don't have a curio cabinet or a lot of bookshelves, if I did, this is one I'd put on display. But who knows? I might just use it one day!